Syria, before the coming of Islam was under the Byzantine Empire from 395, AI 632 Mesehi. Although the Islamic fighters took Syria from the Emperor Heraclius, but Syria under the Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab was taken over from the Byzantines in the war of Yarmuk in 636 AD. Products imported from Syria (Sham) and Iraq before the coming of Islam in the form of oil, food, grain, wine, clothing and weapons.
Oil is imported from Syria are olive oil (olive), which is a fruit oil obtained from olive (Olea europaea, family Oleacea), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean valley. Olive oil is usually used for cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, soap and oil for lamps. In addition, olive oil is used for ritual needs. In ancient Greece, athletes ritually rubbed olive oil all over his body and is used with the oil dripping on the bones of people who die nobly through their grave. People Mediterranean, olive oil considered more than just food, but olive oil has a magical function, drugs, a source of fascination and wonder and endless source of strength and prosperity. Olive oil is more healthy than other food sources of fat, because fat and unsaturated single polifenolnya. The Jews, using olive oil for fuel only.
In Islam, olive oil contained in the Qur'an, An-Nur Äôan letter verse 35: God (giver) light (to) the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is like a tight hole, in which there is a large lamp. The lamp was in the glass (and) the glass is as if the star (the bright) like pearls, which were lit by oil from the many blessings tree, (ie) olive tree that grows not in the east (something) and not in the west (it), the oil alone is almost luminous, though fire scarce touched it. Light on light (in layers), God guides to His light whom He will, and God bring about the parables for mankind and Allah is Aware of all things. Similarly, the word of God: And the tree out of the Mount (olive tree), which produces oil and eating food for the people who eat (Al Mu, Äôminun: 20). Olive tree is found in the Qur'an, An-Nahl Äôan letter verse 11: He grow for you, with the rain water that plants and olives, dates, grapes and all kinds of fruit. Verily in this is really no signs (of Allah) for those who think). While there are olives in surat Al An, Äôaam verse 99: (We remove all) olives and pomegranates similar and dissimilar. Consider the fruit trees bear fruit and soften (see also) maturity. Indeed, in that there are signs (of Allah) for those who believe. Al An, Äôaam paragraph 141: It is He who makes the gardens berjunjung and berjunjung not, were carved, the plants of different fruit, olives and pomegranates similar and are not the same.
Olive oil is also used by the Prophet with his saying: Put olive oil and the oil on your body because it comes from a blessed tree. In other words he, that the olive Minya can treat 70 diseases. Learn more The Flavors of Olive Oil: A Tasting Guide and Cookbook
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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