Messenger s.a.w. forbade selling fruit that has not real results. Al-Layth said: It is narrated from Abu Az-Zinad that Urwah bin Az-Zubair told of Hatsmah Sahl ibn Abi al-Ansari (of Bani Haritha), she had told him of Zayd ibn Thabit ra, he said, "People in the Messenger of Allah doing the buying and selling fruit. If they have been harvested and it was time to pay, the buyers said, 'Truly rotten fruit, illness, wilted ...' (the types of diseases that they make excuses). The Messenger s.a.w. He said when a lot happens in this dispute, 'If so, let the gentlemen have been buying and selling real until the fruit is good. "As a person who likes consulting (democratic), he memimpinkan it happened because of the many disputes among themselves" ( Bukhari). Kharijah bin Zaid bin Thabit has informed me that Zaid bin Thabit did not sell fruit in the garden until the publication tsuraya, it is clear where the yellow and red which one. Abu Abdallah said, "History has dinukil by Ali ibn Bahr, Hakkam has told us, Anbasah have told us of Zakariya, Abu Az-Zinad, from Urwa, from Sahl, from Zaid."
According to Ibn Hajar Asqalani, along with tsuraya is dawn. Abu Daud narrated through Ata 'from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet He said: "If a star has been rising in the morning, then lifted up all the pests from every country." While Abu Hanifa in the history of Ata 'mentioned. "Pests removed from the fruit." The star in question is tsuraya. The emergence of stars in the morning inni occurred in the summer, where the weather was very hot in the Hijaz and the beginning of cooked fruit. Thus, the guide is to cook the fruit, while rising star bagnya bode tsuraya.
From Malik, from Nafi ', from' Abdullah bin Umar ra bahwasannya Messenger s.a.w. forbade selling fruit until it looked cooked. He forbade the seller-buyer (Bukhari). Also from Humayd Ath-Tawil, from Anas ra, indeed the Messenger of Allah forbade selling fruit until ripe dates, Abdu Abdillah said, "means to flush." Similarly, Jabir ra he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. prohibits selling fruit, except after a (looks) good "(Bukhari and Muslim). Also from Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased, he said: "The Prophet, forbade selling fruit until ripe. Then ask people to him, "What fruit is ripe?" A Prophet., "Reddish, yellowish and can be eaten at once" (Bukhari). Another History of Anas bin Malik, saying: "Verily the Messenger of Allah prohibits selling fruit before cooking. Then ask people to him, "How to cook it?" Word of the Prophet, "So the red," Then he continued, "How would you, if God has forbidden (to sell) fruit (the young), whereby someone you (as if) to take his brother's property. "(Bukhari).
In addition to prohibiting selling fruit before cooking, the Messenger of Allah prohibits selling dates soaked with dried dates. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. He said: "Do not sell the fruit until the real results, and not to sell wet dates with dried dates" (Bukhari). Learn more A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61)
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