Ethics in the scale of spending priorities include property, balance, the beloved treasure, hasten and excess of basic needs. Scale of spending priorities in the property contained in surah Al Baqarah verse 215: They ask you about what they spend. Answer: Whatever ye spend that wealth should be given to the mother-father, the relatives, orphans, poor people and people who are on the way. "And whatever good you made, surely, Allah is know. From Abu Hurairah ra, he said: "A man is facing the Messenger of Allah He said: O Messenger of Allah s.a.w. I have a dinar money, what should I do with it? Messenger s.a.w. He said: spend for their own needs. He said again: I have another one dinar, what should I do with it? Messenger s.a.w. He said: Spend for your wife. He said again: I have a dinar again. Messenger s.a.w. He said: spend for your kid. He said again: I have a dinar else, what should I do with it? Messenger s.a.w. He said: Spend for helpers. He said again: I have a dinar else, what should I do with it? Messenger s.a.w. He said: You surely know better with your own business (Ibn Hibban).
Spend the balance of the property, as mentioned in surah Al-Furqan verse 67: And those who, when spending (property), they are not extravagant and not (also) mean and the (spending) in the midst of such.
Spend a perfect treasure is the treasure that is loved. In the letter Ali Imran verse 92: You shall not come to righteousness (perfect), until ye spend of that which ye love wealth. And whatever ye spend, Allah knows. Anas ra, he said: "Abu Talha was the richest man of the Ansar at his most Madinah.Harta he loved the garden Bairaha 'overlooking the mosque, the Messenger of Allah frequently enter and drank water from his eyes. Anas r.a. said: "When we got off the verse, You shall not come to righteousness (perfect), until ye spend of that which ye love wealth. And whatever ye spend, Allah knows, and Abu Talha immediately facing the Messenger of Allah He said: "Allah Allah SWT. has said: You shall not come to righteousness (perfect), until ye spend of that which ye love wealth. And whatever ye spend, Allah knows, and indeed my treasure the most I love is the garden Bairaha 'and indeed I have sedekahkan to Allah SWT. with whom I expect kindness and reward from Allah SWT. therefore, O Messenger of Allah, use the garden for whatever you want ". Messenger s.a.w. then said: "Good, that property must be profitable. The treasure must be profitable. I heard your statement and I think better you give to your relatives. "Instead Prophet forbade hoarding treasures, including the stockpiling merchandise at prices will rise. Narrated by Abdullah bin Ma'mar ra, he said: "Messenger of Allah to have said: He who hoard goods (price rise), is a sinner (Muslim). Learn more The Real Book of Real Estate: Real Experts. Real Stories. Real Life.
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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