After advertising in The Daily People's Sovereignty measuring 20 cm x 3 columns appear. I've said before, building and advertising can be paid at a later date, without having to use cash. A few moments later, the impact of advertising and distribution of brochures in schools began to show results. One by one start registering some computer courses. At the time of starting the course the participants reached 35 students. I gave a public lecture that is motivating to students. After a late finish, I invite students to question everything that relates to the course. One student asked mgacungkan hand as "sir. This computer course or courses what. Why there is no computer? ". The question that really surprised me, because I did not expect that there will be a question like that, as I asked. "My sister had read in the RD loop about this course?". "It's Mr." replied the student. Then I asked again "What does the ad?". "Education has a year computers of practical business and entrepreneurship" the student replied. I explained "One month is our practical business education and kewirausaan. This is important dik. (In my heart to say, but you also have to pay). After one month we begin a new computer course. ". "Oh ... so to sir" the boy said.
Within a month, I give my entrepreneurial education began with an entrepreneurial spirit of education, when it was given the Achievement Motivation Training (AMT), which was conceived by David McLalland. The material is very interesting, because it touches the soul of the students. The contents of these materials ranging from regulations made with the AMT so successful, self-portrait, self description, discussion gap, Johary Window, until the end Goal Setting premises reflection and prayer. Most students will almost certainly cry, regretting his mistake either to others or to both parents and to the Lord. Usually they like being born again and motivated to reach his goals, to be successful. Some comments from them after following AMT include "I feel born again sir" said one student. "I learned my self sir" commented another student. "My goal is very close. Like in my eyelid. Lived to reach "another student said again Once motivated, the students began equipped science and business entrepreneurship. Starting from a positive mental attitude, carving a dream, took the step to be an entrepreneur, a business strategy of driving up to how to deal with failure. Very nice lesson for students. One by one in a month that students begin to pay the course fee.
Does not feel the day went very quickly and finally one month has been exceeded. Because they are very satisfied, almost all students eventually pay the course fee and wanted to stay to join my courses. Of the money credited my computer some 12 computers. "Yes sir no computer" commented the students with a little tease. "His name is just too computer courses. It must have the computer "and I replied in my heart to say that your money actually, if you do not pay we can not buy a computer. That simple bit of my experience in open computer courses without cash. Hopefully inspiring start a business without cash. Learn more Doing Business in Rural China: Liangshan's New Ethnic Enterpreneurs (Studies on Ethnic Groups in China)
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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