Messenger s.a.w. prohibits selling sales by rival brother and sister offer rival bid. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. he said the Messenger of Allah, said: "Do you sell your brother sales" (Bukhari).
From Abu Hurairah r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. prohibits the selling of goods (merchandise) and the village people do not membohongkan prices of goods and do not compete with someone selling price brother; do not offer something that was in his brother's bidding and do not ask a woman to be divorced brother (honey) to spill the contents bejananya "( Bukhari). Another History of Abu Hurairah r.a. he said the Messenger of Allah, said: "Do you meet a group of people driving (caravans); do not be sold at a price to rival others selling price, do not membohongkan prices of goods, people should not sell off the city belongs to the village and do not hold your goat's milk, and Whoever bought it, he must choose between the two after diperahnya, if he liked to be continuing, and if not, should return and added with segantang dates "(Bukhari).
According to Ibn Hajar Al-Fath Asqalani in the Book Baari, the scholars said, "Selling something is in the process is the unlawful sale, so buy something that is in the process of purchasing. An example of this is someone saying to the buyer at the time was still valid vote (khiyar). "Cancel the deal, I'll sell you the same goods at lower prices." Or he said to the vendor "Cancel the sale and purchase and I will buy from you with a more expensive price." This law is a matter which has been agreed. The picture offered something that was on offer others is by telling the person being offered, "Give me that stuff, I'll sell you the better stuff from him with a similar price, or items that seem a cheaper price." Or he said to the owner of the goods "Take back your things, I'll buy from you with a better price." The ban is applicable when the price has been agreed by both parties. If so, then there is no difference of opinion that the purchase or bid is unlawful. Then Ibn Hazm menukil of Imam Malik, he argues that the law on the hadith above apply if the seller and buyer have agreed. Then Ibn Hazm said that the wording of hadith does not show it. However, there is need for guidelines regarding when forbidden to offer goods that are offered by others, for offering goods that are sold to people who can provide additional price (auction) is not prohibited by agreement scholars, such as dinukil by Ibn Abd al-Barr. So, what is forbidden is offering more than that. Some scholars exclude Shafi'i madzab prohibition "buy" and "bargain" items are purchased or offered by others, if the buyer is not cheated and harmed, so that the opinion of Ibn Hazm, as she quoted a hadith "Religion is advice." Semetara that, the majority of scholars said that the purchase or offer goods that are purchased or offered by others including the sale of legitimate, but pelakuknya sinful. Whereas in the Maliki and Hanbali madzab about the destruction of such sale had been dinukil two opinions. As for the scholars madzab Az-Zhahiri firmly say that the sale is invalid. Learn more The Never Cold Call Again Online Playbook: The Definitive Guide to Internet Marketing Success
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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