The angels every day, always pleading to God to give to someone who likes to be replaced berinfak sustainable, and to give to those who perish miser. The Prophet said, "With each day when the morning comes, it will be down two angels to sorang servant and one of them said, 'Oh god, give to those who often change berinfak sustainable.' And another said, 'Yes God, give to those who miserly destruction. " '(Bukhari)
Surely goodness the treasure is not on zatnya, but on what is related to such property, although generally it is good to say. Similarly, people who own property which does not say much good in zatnya, but depends on the attitude that carried the treasure. If the soul to feel rich, so he never stopped to distribute his property in the things required and the things recommended in the goodness and the approach to God. However, the poor soul, so he did not want to give and do not want to spend his money on the street who had been ordered because he was afraid his wealth will be exhausted. People like this are essentially the poor / needy in the form and nature, although there is an abundance of wealth in his hands. This intu because he never used that property for life in the world and the hereafter. In fact, such property will probably be a disaster for him. The Prophet said, "Hancurlah the dinar and dirham penghamba" (Bukhari)
That is, fell or hancurlah or jauhlah him. This is the prayer of the menghamba to ornag property. Also to the people looking for property with struggling to ditumpuknya, so as to actions that he has menghamba to treasure. Prophet had prayed for crimes against the dinar and dirham penghamba with him saying, "Alas and sakitlah continue, if hit by a thorn is no one to help him." (Bukhari)
Hadith gives an overview on the treasures to be wretched penghamba and saki on and when exposed to thorns, then no one would help remove a thorn from his body. A prayer for those crimes did not move accumulate wealth. Permissibility of praying for crimes like this are expected to reduce the effort of people who prayed to gather material and worldly preoccupations with working neglect of religious obligations and Sunnah-Sunnah.
Muthraf the father said, "I never went to the Prophet. And he was reading, 'glorify megahan been neglecting you.' He said, "Son of Adam always said, 'my treasure, my treasure. 'O son of Adam, if you have a property other than what you eat until you spend, or what you wear to the bad or you have sedekahkan and become your mistress? And who other than that, then all will go and belalu and abandoned by humans. " '(Muslim)
Prophet. Once asked his companions, "Who among you is a smaller inheritance than his own wealth?" They said, 'O Messenger of Allah, none of us except his wealth more dear. "He said," Verily property is already in diinfakkan way of Allah and the estate is what was left. "(Bukhari). Learn more Number Properties GMAT Preparation Guide, 4th Edition (Manhattan GMAT Preparation Guides)
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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