In the book Creating Your Own Destiny, Patrick Snow told his neighbors an old Indian with his grandson. An old Indian was to give life lessons to his grandson. "A battle continued raging in me. Fierce battle between two wolves "said the old Indian told his grandson. "The evil one, he is anger, envy, sorrow, pride, greed, deception, inferiority, false pride, guilt, high-heart and selfishness. The second well, he is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, peace, kindness, generosity, empathy, kindness, truth, understanding feelings and faith. Similar battle took place in you, my grandson, also in everyone "said the old Indian. The grandson thought for a moment, then asked her grandfather "Grandfather, which wolf wins?". Itupun old Indian replied "What you feed".
Did you feed the bad wolf?. I'm sure you'd feed a good wolf. By feeding the good wolf, you will be able to face various problems of life, including business problems. It is true that feeding the evil wolf easier than to feed the good wolf. Evil passions of anger, envy, sorrow, pride, greed, deception, inferiority, false pride, and selfishness proud is the big bad wolf fodder. When you hit failure, difficulty or disaster, the best food is the patient. Most of the patient is imperative to refrain from evil desires and apart from its influence. Patiently forces you to think and act more intelligently. Patience is a bitter foods that are not easy to eat. Like science menuntuk need to learn to take patience. Starting from anger seriously and will eventually become a habit to be with anger. If his anger has become a habit, it will never again anger flared and also if already angry, so to quell anger is not too difficult. Someone who can eat such foods are said to have a patient nature, which will be the winner in the world and the Hereafter.
Qulub Mukasyafatul in the book, Al-Ghazali wrote that "Those who are patient to obey God, then God will give him three hundred levels in Paradise on the Day of Resurrection future. Each level covering the distance between heaven and earth. He who is patient in avoiding the prohibitions of Allah, then Allah gave him six hundred levels in Paradise one day in the Day of Resurrection. Each level covering the distance between the heavens and the earth's seven seven. And whoever put up musibab, God will give him seven hundred levels in Paradise. Each level covering the distance between the Throne and the earth ". Learn more Poker Winners Are Different
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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