Pierre Omidyar started bisninya with computer science degree. He is interested in the development of different technologies for consumer products, and he loved the idea that would take the concept in every way through product delivery to consumers, showing their reactions and then modify it. Internet gives you a place to do it, because you can publish quickly the software, you can get a reaction from your customers quickly and Andapun know if a mistake is fast. He thinks, how the auction in Paris, the participants do not have to go to Paris, but quite at home or at their office. Finally Omidyar founded the company in the Internet auction with the name eBay in 1995. Prior to Omidyar founded eBay eSharp founded with her friend, which gives the experience as an entrepreneur. eBay is a company that relies on trust. Imagine! People want to pay what dilelangkan with only seen a picture of it. Without trust this company will not run. Net income more than three times to reach 1.35 million dollars in the third quarter of 1999, with sales rising to 58.5 million dollars. Number of doing the registration on the eBay site increased from 5.6 million to 7.7 million compared with the previous quarter and up 1.3 million dollars in the same period the previous year. Penjulan value of goods on the web site jumped from 195 million to $ 741 million dollars. eBay is the best auction company in the Internet in the year 2002 version of Yahoo magazine.
Anita Roddick founded The Body Shop in 1976 in the garage. He founded the business because of his education, that is history. "Historical study of myth and legend. About what makes you great. What separates you and me make history as an entrepreneur "says Anita Roddick. With a history that he loved akhinya environment makes the concept of "natural", made of pure ingredients, not tested on animals and friendly to the environment as well as native herbs which they come. With almost no advertising but with a very massive publicity, The Body Shop has become one of the legendary brands of the world.
Ir. Ciputra start a business with education in the field of architecture and property, because he was an alumnus of Architecture Department ITB in 1960. Ciputra now as President Director of PT Ciputra Development (CD) and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Realty (JR) and which was crowned as the best public CEO Magazine in 1997 Sembada Swa.
After completing my Masters in Education Management with friends founded the Program for Master of Business Administration in cooperation with the West Coast Institute of Management and Technology, Australia and Warnbrough University, United Kingdom before there were rules about the MBA program. After the rules were later established in the Master of Management Program STIE "Bodi Artha Iswara" Surabaya. Currently Master of Management Program students are approximately 1000 students, perhaps a Master of Management Program the largest number of students in Indonesia. So You can also start a business with your education and when I was in college. Learn more Outliers: The Story of Success
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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