You have a good business idea, but do not have the capital, then you can still start a business with capital cooperation. You have a close friend or close relation who believe in you, then you can contact them and convince them to get capital support. The advantage of these efforts can be divided into two or in accordance with the agreement. The more you involve them, the greater the level of trust in you, which also means greater capital investment in your business that path with them. To do this strategy, you start from the closest and most believe in you. After that new to those more distant or relatively less confidence in you. Honesty is the most important thing in starting a business with capital cooperation. Openness and fairness must be upheld so that they believe in you. The trust they give to you, like they are saving. From little by little for a long time will be a big savings. Similarly confidence, little by little more confidence in you.
When I met one of his close friends, he immediately offered me to become a computer dealer Epson. My friend was at that time as a sales representative Metrodata. "You want to sell computer Med Epson?" My friend asked. Med is my nickname in high school I Madiun. "I do not have the capital" I replied. "It does not need capital. Simply you Epson's computer display. Then after the computer new behavior you pay. I give two-month grace period "my friend said. "All right. I will try to Epson computer sales "I agreed. Why are my friends believe me?. Because my friend was in high school when I Madiun bench, going to school together. If I ride berangkatnya him, then turns her back home my bum. I bought meatballs and ice together, if I who have money, so my pay, otherwise when he had money, he is paying. When I was sick, I lay down in his house, while he left the school itself. I often eat at his house and learn together. I often entertain his brother with conjuring tricks. I often talked with his parents. I never borrowed the money with him to pay my tuition and repay the loans in accordance with my promise. I am very fortunate to be close friends trust me. My friend is named Agus Widodo Honggo, now he as a Director of PT. Metrodata. You can try to start a business with capital cooperation through your closest friends.
source: journal.amikom.ac.id
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