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Mohammad Suyanto
You have a good business idea, but do not have the capital, then you can still start a business with capital cooperation. You have a close friend or close relation who believe in you, then you can contact them and convince them to get capital support. The advantage of these efforts can be divided into two or in accordance with the agreement. The more you involve them, the greater the level of trust in you, which also means greater capital investment in your business that path with them. To do this strategy, you start from the closest and most believe in you. After that new to those more distant or relatively less confidence in you. Honesty is the most important thing in starting a business with capital cooperation. Openness and fairness must be upheld so that they believe in you. The trust they give to you, like they are saving. From little by little for a long time will be a big savings. Similarly confidence, little by little more confidence in you.
When I met one of his close friends, he immediately offered me to become a computer dealer Epson. My friend was at that time as a sales representative Metrodata. "You want to sell computer Med Epson?" My friend asked. Med is my nickname in high school I Madiun. "I do not have the capital" I replied. "It does not need capital. Simply you Epson's computer display. Then after the computer new behavior you pay. I give two-month grace period "my friend said. "All right. I will try to Epson computer sales "I agreed. Why are my friends believe me?. Because my friend was in high school when I Madiun bench, going to school together. If I ride berangkatnya him, then turns her back home my bum. I bought meatballs and ice together, if I who have money, so my pay, otherwise when he had money, he is paying. When I was sick, I lay down in his house, while he left the school itself. I often eat at his house and learn together. I often entertain his brother with conjuring tricks. I often talked with his parents. I never borrowed the money with him to pay my tuition and repay the loans in accordance with my promise. I am very fortunate to be close friends trust me. My friend is named Agus Widodo Honggo, now he as a Director of PT. Metrodata. You can try to start a business with capital cooperation through your closest friends.
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Mohammad Suyanto
Powerful Senajata to step ladders business is a positive mental attitude. There are several strategies to keep a person a positive mental attitude. One of these is the strategy stratetgi turned bowl. Strategy is a strategy of turning a bowl to see a negative event from the positive side. When you go to college or to work with motorcycle riding, all of a sudden your bike tires hit the nail, so flat that cause you can not continue to college or to work or maybe you'll be late. If you use a reverse strategy bowl, then you can still say "fortunately my bike hit the nail, if not hit a nail, I might even kesruduk bus". With this strategy you will be trained over time and you'll stay awake in a positive mental attitude.
When I would buy land in the village for STMIK Kronggahan AMIKOM Yogyakarta area of 1000 square meters of land to complete the next order to reach 5000 square meters. Landowners have signed the agreement on price and payment of materei. But the owner of the land, break her promise with stalling and raising prices, so I am irritated Vice. "If he's a man, I would smack" he said. I tried to assuage kemarakan him, then I say the while to comfort "Mr. I'm too upset, but you try to find the ground again, maybe God will provide something better for AMIKOM". A week later I was Vice deliver the news to me, that there is land next to the building AMIKOM offered at a price of Rp. 275.000, with a broad-approximately 6000 square meters. "Do not you sir, God shows us what is best for" my comments.
Similarly, when Mr. Purdi the homeowner on the street Captain Tendean 25 Yogyakarta, told to move all the items in the house, because after 3 three-month contract has not been able mebayar room 8 mx 4 m is only 25.000, - per month . Then Mr. Purdi menceriterkan to me when we were told to move by the owner of the house and were only given a week's time. "God willing, there are lesson" I replied with a consolation. In fact it was the only sentence I can say, because no other sentence. Apparently this is the beginning of the journey tonggal Primagama. We like whipped, to run faster to achieve success. I and Mr. Purdi finally decided take advantage of a week to share the brochure to all high schools in Yogyakarta. The result we get the money USD. 50.000, - and get a new rental house that is better than the old Take advantage of every event is a strategy that turned the bowl is one way to keep a positive mental attitude.
Mohammad Suyanto
In addition to community-based, market segmentation can also Pesonify market segmentation according to the Web can be categorized based on their behavior as Comfort creatures, Connected suites, Country Clubbers, Credit Checkers, Details divers, Electron, Explorer, Gear heads, geeks, Gift Boxer, Knowledge wokers, Novices , Surgical shoppers and Looks-Loos
Comfort-oriented creatures feelings. They want to know if certain colors are offered, or design offers an ergonomic chair with a particular skin type. Connected suites used in the Net environment, and find a lot of data in a short time, several times a day, and always use a sophisticated search features, tends to be a good customer. Country Clubbers: the buyer on the status-oriented, they were driving BMW and branded bags and find discount to branded goods. Credit Checkers is a young buyers who have feared the credit balance and tend to come from the site where the young child, and tend to spend their credit cards. Details divers are visitors who want to know how something works. They looky-looks like but also can serve to suggest a purchase, although not providing a final decision. They tend to come during working hours, and from search engines technically oriented.
Another segmentation Electron. These visitors tend to move rapidly to all parts of the site without a clear path, and has a broad interest. Maybe they belong to a multi-tasking or without a focused mind. They buy the product but not the same product consistently. Explorer is a visitor who does not leave a site before visiting all parts. Love the merchandise and promotions, product reviews, recommendations. Please note, maybe they belong to pensioners, children, or employees who have too much time. Gear heads is the visitors who tend to be not very interested in the technology of a product but rather to gizmo (device) is another new trendy, or a rare product. This type is a potential customer can be offered if appropriately.
Geeks are those who frequently use the Web and are always more than his colleagues. They should be given a special offer, or they will turn to a direct source offline. Gift Boxers are those who shop online for others, for example for a gift. Their shopping behavior is not consistent, with their shopping history. Knowledge wokers are sites that collect user information for use in their work. Novices are those who are less knowledgeable, but very enthusiastic. These users, often the very good customer. They will love the site, because they can ask the stupid questions without fear of embarrassment. Surgical shoppers are those who know exactly what they want. And want the buying process is done by small steps might be. Give what they want and they will come again. Looks-Loos whereas those who are only interested in the attractive banner, and clicking, but they did not last long. Happy hunting customers on the Internet.
Mohammad Suyanto
Segmentation transaction community is a community that gives trading facility. Members include buyers, sellers, intermediaries, and so on. Companies that perform segmentation by this transaction communities, among others, Yahoo Shopping, Amazon, MSN Home Advisor, and Wizard.
The members of the community of Yahoo Shopping can shop with four ways, namely "Shopping", "Used", "Auctions" and "Classified". Yahoo Shopping at some companies installing banners, among other companies, Dell, Spiegel, Bobbi Brown, Sony, Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, LLBean, FTD, Gap, Eddie Bauer, Compaq, CDNow, Bluelight, Gateway and Intel. E-commerce site from Yahoo Shopping shown by the picture 2:22.
source: is the best online store in 2002, according to the magazine version of Yahoo. Amazon provides a variety of products, from beauty products, health, trave., Books, VCDs, DVDs, magazines, music, electronic goods, toys, dolls, housewares, gifts, and so on. Communities of the Amazon was getting cut in the shopping and free shipping.
Suppliers games like elketronik create community whose members can chat, business cards, and discuss the tournament.
Mohammad Suyanto
Community relations is a community organized around the experience of life. For example cancer forum is a forum that contains exchange of information and opinions about the cancer disease ( Moreover Cancer Forum sell and rent domain name related to health. The categories that domain names such as Alzheimers, Arthritis, Asthma, Birth Control, Cancer, Dentistry, Diet, Disease, Drugs, Eye, Fitness, Footcare, Forums, Genetics, Haircare, Heart, Hospitals, Legal, Media, Medicare, Medicine , Non-Home, Pediatrics, Pet / Enimal, Physicians, Resources, Skincare, Specialties, Vaccines and Viruses.
Parent Soup is a forum of sports information for parents and can visit the SeniorNet, Women's Wire and iVillage, which is on-line community known for women. Community relations African-American descent on, community relations in Latin address community relations and Asian American-occupied address. Community relations people with disabilities address at
Mohammad Suyanto
Segmentation of the professional community is a community formed to support the professional communication and exchange of valuable work or research related information. For example Analog Devices ( creating a community on-line access of the chip design engineer to technical experts. Linux Documentation Project ( mengumpulklan articles about various linux-related. Tom's Hardware ( provides information about your computer hardware perangakat, starting from the motherboard to the hard drive. Tom's hardware components pushed Personal Computer (PC) to the limits. Another facility is to help uncover Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Bug chipset. Also became the first in a new processor overclock and help to test the motherboard, graphics card, or RAM. For professionals in the field of photography available site Ofoto ( Professionals can obtain the software free photo, get free shipping cost for the first order, are able to provide photos, store photos and perfecting images online.
Mohammad Suyanto
Fantasy is a forum community which consists of participants who create an environment of imagination. Customer AOL (America Online) provided various facilities. Of AOL UK can find a new celebrity news, chat live, events around the UK, the topic and the best information. AOL France to provide holiday facilities in France met someone before flying, plan the night in Paris or the desired place in France. AOL Germany provides a facility that allows a person to meet the group @ aol, easy shopping, news and current reports. AOL Brazil provides the facility to meet people visiting Brazil to the home page and create a home page for free, the best place to find love on-line in Brazil, news and links to the Brazilian football team. AOL Japan provides facilities dounload Japanese version of the software. AOL Canada provides free upgrades AOL 7.0 AOL Australia provides facilities to discover the Great South Land, and through AOL can send to your Australian friends. AOL AOL Mexico and Argentina that allows us to download AIM (AOL Instant Messenger). Amazon, Barnes & Noble advertise on this site.
Mohammad Suyanto
Matsushita comes from ordinary people and was raised in poverty near the small village of Wakayama. He has seven brothers and sisters. His family had once lived relatifmakmur, but after his father's business went bankrupt commodity, he lived in poverty. Matsushita left school in 1904 and an apprentice to a charcoal maker. After a career that he became an inspector at the Osaka Electric Light Company, and eventually established his own company, with the name of Matsushita Electric.
Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to the previous employer but did not receive a response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. After this product so no one was going to buy this product.
Companies start to believe, when he received orders insulator plates. Orders are filled in a timely and high quality products. Of their profits, Matsushita develop innovative Speda lights. Like the adapter products, bike lights are not attractive to retailers. Matsushita then asked the seller to demonstrate to leave a light burning in each of their stores singgahi. These demonstrations attract customers, so the business began to walk and is the cornerstone of suskses Matsushita. In 1932 Matsushita knew already has 1000 employees, 10 factories, and 280 patents. The decision to demonstrate its products to customers is the basis for the beginning of the empire.
Matsushita to build ships and aircraft in the Second World War. In 1958, Matsushita Electric received awards for the quality of factory operations and in 1990, Matsushita bought MCA company. Matsushita has created one of the most famous brands in the world, the Panasonic and has created a 42 billion dollar business. All started with capital from scratch and defeated dreams west industries and use the philosophy of running water.
STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta to attract students, students' work demonstrates to prospective students. Prospective students didemosntrasikan how to make television ads, how to create multimedia profiles in Bappenas. Mebuat including cartoon film "Jatayu" and "The Adventures Abdan". Prior described how to make it, the cartoon was screened first. Most prospective students marveling at the students' work is STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta addition STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta demonstrate, how the lecturers to teach through the Super Training Excellence (PSU), for prospective students. More than 90% of prospective students were satisfied with the training and teaching styles dosen.yang very interesting, because previously the lecturers have been given training how good teaching is. Finally they register and become a student STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.
Mohammad Suyanto
IN between successful entrepreneurs, business opportunities when traveling. Raymond Kroc, the founder and builder of McDonald's Corporation is one of the businessmen who get the opportunity, when he went from his home near Chicago to southern California to see the two biggest clients Multimixer buyers Prince Castle (shaker instrument milk).
His client told me that in San Bernardino, there are restaurants that use machines to mix the forty glasses of milk simultaneously. In the case, other restaurants are only able to mix the five glasses of milk. Then Kroc went to San Bernardino to see the restaurant. Arriving at the two gates of the golden arches of glittering restaurants, which lit up the sky at twilight, and saw the queue of people winding like a snake outside the restaurant octagonal.
Through the walls of the building made entirely of glass, Kroc saw the male employees who wear paper hats and white uniforms, were busy in a very clean restaurant, serving burgers in a dish, fries and milk shakes to the families of the working class who arrive by car. "Something must have happened here. This must be the most amazing business operation I have ever seen, "said Kroc himself. The restaurant is owned by Maurice and Richard McDonald, who offers a menu of nine types of food, including burgers, fries, milk shakes, and pies by removing seats and paper utensils, glass instead of glass or porcelain. This restaurant design a reliable service, able to serve the orders less than one minute. "This is my future. I feel like a modern-day Newton "he said to himself.
Kroc was convinced that the operation of McDonald brothers can succeed at all if expanded. So the next day, he filed a proposal to the McDonald brothers. These brothers objected, because it has sold franchises in Phoenix and Sacramento with low prices and large profits are not. But Kroc was a veteran salesman with thirty years experience, then finally able to convince Kroc McDonald brothers to sell franchises with a low price, which is 950 dollars. In return, the McDonald brothers would get 1.4% of all sales and 0.5% return. With approval in hand, Kroc began to fulfill his dream of McDonald's restaurants that exploded from coast to coast. He started by building the first chain restaurant partnership with membuah a model in Des Plaines, Illinois, outside Chicago, which uses a low price strategy is the same, limited menu and fast service like a restaurant in San Bernardino. This is the first milestone of success McDonald Corporation, the idea gained when Raymond Kroc traveled.
Mohammad Suyanto
Messenger s.a.w. forbade selling fruit that has not real results. Al-Layth said: It is narrated from Abu Az-Zinad that Urwah bin Az-Zubair told of Hatsmah Sahl ibn Abi al-Ansari (of Bani Haritha), she had told him of Zayd ibn Thabit ra, he said, "People in the Messenger of Allah doing the buying and selling fruit. If they have been harvested and it was time to pay, the buyers said, 'Truly rotten fruit, illness, wilted ...' (the types of diseases that they make excuses). The Messenger s.a.w. He said when a lot happens in this dispute, 'If so, let the gentlemen have been buying and selling real until the fruit is good. "As a person who likes consulting (democratic), he memimpinkan it happened because of the many disputes among themselves" ( Bukhari). Kharijah bin Zaid bin Thabit has informed me that Zaid bin Thabit did not sell fruit in the garden until the publication tsuraya, it is clear where the yellow and red which one. Abu Abdallah said, "History has dinukil by Ali ibn Bahr, Hakkam has told us, Anbasah have told us of Zakariya, Abu Az-Zinad, from Urwa, from Sahl, from Zaid."
According to Ibn Hajar Asqalani, along with tsuraya is dawn. Abu Daud narrated through Ata 'from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet He said: "If a star has been rising in the morning, then lifted up all the pests from every country." While Abu Hanifa in the history of Ata 'mentioned. "Pests removed from the fruit." The star in question is tsuraya. The emergence of stars in the morning inni occurred in the summer, where the weather was very hot in the Hijaz and the beginning of cooked fruit. Thus, the guide is to cook the fruit, while rising star bagnya bode tsuraya.
From Malik, from Nafi ', from' Abdullah bin Umar ra bahwasannya Messenger s.a.w. forbade selling fruit until it looked cooked. He forbade the seller-buyer (Bukhari). Also from Humayd Ath-Tawil, from Anas ra, indeed the Messenger of Allah forbade selling fruit until ripe dates, Abdu Abdillah said, "means to flush." Similarly, Jabir ra he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. prohibits selling fruit, except after a (looks) good "(Bukhari and Muslim). Also from Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased, he said: "The Prophet, forbade selling fruit until ripe. Then ask people to him, "What fruit is ripe?" A Prophet., "Reddish, yellowish and can be eaten at once" (Bukhari). Another History of Anas bin Malik, saying: "Verily the Messenger of Allah prohibits selling fruit before cooking. Then ask people to him, "How to cook it?" Word of the Prophet, "So the red," Then he continued, "How would you, if God has forbidden (to sell) fruit (the young), whereby someone you (as if) to take his brother's property. "(Bukhari).
In addition to prohibiting selling fruit before cooking, the Messenger of Allah prohibits selling dates soaked with dried dates. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. He said: "Do not sell the fruit until the real results, and not to sell wet dates with dried dates" (Bukhari). Learn more A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61)
Mohammad Suyanto
Messenger s.a.w. prohibits selling sales by rival brother and sister offer rival bid. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. he said the Messenger of Allah, said: "Do you sell your brother sales" (Bukhari).
From Abu Hurairah r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. prohibits the selling of goods (merchandise) and the village people do not membohongkan prices of goods and do not compete with someone selling price brother; do not offer something that was in his brother's bidding and do not ask a woman to be divorced brother (honey) to spill the contents bejananya "( Bukhari). Another History of Abu Hurairah r.a. he said the Messenger of Allah, said: "Do you meet a group of people driving (caravans); do not be sold at a price to rival others selling price, do not membohongkan prices of goods, people should not sell off the city belongs to the village and do not hold your goat's milk, and Whoever bought it, he must choose between the two after diperahnya, if he liked to be continuing, and if not, should return and added with segantang dates "(Bukhari).
According to Ibn Hajar Al-Fath Asqalani in the Book Baari, the scholars said, "Selling something is in the process is the unlawful sale, so buy something that is in the process of purchasing. An example of this is someone saying to the buyer at the time was still valid vote (khiyar). "Cancel the deal, I'll sell you the same goods at lower prices." Or he said to the vendor "Cancel the sale and purchase and I will buy from you with a more expensive price." This law is a matter which has been agreed. The picture offered something that was on offer others is by telling the person being offered, "Give me that stuff, I'll sell you the better stuff from him with a similar price, or items that seem a cheaper price." Or he said to the owner of the goods "Take back your things, I'll buy from you with a better price." The ban is applicable when the price has been agreed by both parties. If so, then there is no difference of opinion that the purchase or bid is unlawful. Then Ibn Hazm menukil of Imam Malik, he argues that the law on the hadith above apply if the seller and buyer have agreed. Then Ibn Hazm said that the wording of hadith does not show it. However, there is need for guidelines regarding when forbidden to offer goods that are offered by others, for offering goods that are sold to people who can provide additional price (auction) is not prohibited by agreement scholars, such as dinukil by Ibn Abd al-Barr. So, what is forbidden is offering more than that. Some scholars exclude Shafi'i madzab prohibition "buy" and "bargain" items are purchased or offered by others, if the buyer is not cheated and harmed, so that the opinion of Ibn Hazm, as she quoted a hadith "Religion is advice." Semetara that, the majority of scholars said that the purchase or offer goods that are purchased or offered by others including the sale of legitimate, but pelakuknya sinful. Whereas in the Maliki and Hanbali madzab about the destruction of such sale had been dinukil two opinions. As for the scholars madzab Az-Zhahiri firmly say that the sale is invalid. Learn more The Never Cold Call Again Online Playbook: The Definitive Guide to Internet Marketing Success
Mohammad Suyanto
In language, meaning gharar the unknown or a particular danger. Meanwhile, according to the terminology of fiqh, gharar is unknown to the result of a case / transaction or ambiguity between good and bad. In the letter Al Maaidah verse 90: O ye who believe, in fact drink alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, raffle with arrows fate is an act of worship. So avoid it works, that ye may prosper. Gharar trading or speculation among other habalul habalah, mulamasah, munabazah, muhaqalah, muzabanah, mukhabarah, mu'awamah, tsun-yes and purchase and sale of fruits that have not been real results.
Messenger s.a.w. prohibit sale habalil habalah, namely the payment limit waiting time buntingnya child camel still in the womb. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. prohibit sale habaul habalah as usually done by pagan people. Usually a man bought a camel for a camel to the children, and children's children too "(Bukhari and Muslim). Messenger s.a.w. prohibit the sale and purchase of cloth thrown only just, not seen in a careful and without prior approval. Messenger s.a.w. also prohibits buying and selling the only touch it to be bought, without looking closely. In buying and selling goods should be viewed carefully and likes each other love and the absence of fraud.
Ra of Abu Sa'id, he reported that the Messenger of Allah Munabazah banned. Namely, tossing the cloth to the other in the sale and purchase, the transaction had occurred between them before the behind-back or see the fabric carefully and without prior approval. And he forbade Mulamasah, ie touching the fabric that is not seen sellers carefully. "(Bukhari and Muslim).
Messenger s.a.w. forbade selling fruit that has not real results. Jabir r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. prohibits selling fruit, except after a (looks) good "(Bukhari and Muslim). Also from Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased, he said: "The Prophet, forbade selling fruit until masak.Lalu asked people to him," What fruit is ripe? "A Prophet.," Reddish, yellowish and can be eaten immediately "(Bukhari). Similarly, Abdullah ibn Umar r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. He said: "Do not sell the fruit until the real results, and not to sell wet dates with dried dates" (Bukhari).
From Zaid bin Thabit r.a. he said "Usually at the time of the Prophet s.a.w. people buying and selling of fruit, after it was time to pick and pay-pay, the buyer said: This fruit rot, illness, withered and all kinds of damage that they make excuses. When they fought was in such a way, the Prophet He said: "If so, do not you gentlemen have been buying and selling real so that the fruit is good." As a person who likes consulting (democratic), he memimpinkan it happened because of the many disputes among themselves "(Bukhari).
From Anas bin Malik, saying: "Verily the Messenger of Allah prohibits selling fruit before cooking. Then ask people to him, "How to cook it?" Word of the Prophet, "So the red," Then he continued, "How would you, if God has forbidden (to sell) fruit (the young), whereby someone you (as if) to take his brother's property. " Learn more High Probability Trading Strategies: Entry to Exit Tactics for the Forex, Futures, and Stock Markets (Wiley Trading)
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