marketing information, product promotion, motivation

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Mohammad Suyanto 


Kiswah a veil that covers the Kaaba. First introduced Kiswah since before the arrival of Islam. from the early days of Islam measuring 14 meters x 77 meters has decorated with embroidered gold and silver (and later Qur'anic verses), made with sophisticated tailoring shows each year to cover the Ka `bah during Hajj season. For the purposes of kiswah often dimpor Yemen or Egypt. Perpetuate a tradition since before the birth of Islam, historian of Mecca, al-Fasi related that the Prophet Muhammad covered the Kaaba with al-thiyab al-Khalifah successor Yamaniyah and clothe the Kaaba with clothing made of linen of Egypt.

Nevertheless, local and manufacture decorative inlay that often arises is ornate and intricate inlay. Caliph Uthman ibn Affan introduced brocade decorative embellishment on kiswah, a habit that appeared to have experienced increased growth over time rumitdengan. Although kiswah not until the early fourteenth century, according to al-Fasi, that the Qur'anic text first appeared. However Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and his successor Caliph committed to manufacturing quality and frugality in producing kiswah, this event has been running until now.

In the past one year installation kiswah two or three times. Kiswah long kiswah closed with a new one. Since the Caliph Al-Nasir, Caliph Abasiyah start putting kiswah tradition at the Kaaba with one kiswah, until now. When the Caliph Abasiyah perform the pilgrimage at 160 after hijra, see the pile kiswah can damage the Kaaba itself. Then he decided to use only one kiswah. Caliph Al Ma'mun replaced kiswah three times per year, with a different color. 8 Dhulhijjah red, white gabati for 1 Rajab and red lace on 29 Ramadan.

By analogy, the relative costs, on average, with modern automated technology, khiswah-most new black, 5 pieces of silk cloth covering 658 square meters are needed to produce each year equivalent to 4.5 U.S. dollars U.S. dollars and takes more than 200 employees. Previously mentioned that women's clothing 100 dinars and dirhams in 1000 used thiyab said at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, not the sheet mentioned the Prophet's grandfather's grave reported plated with 1000 mistqal (4250 grams) of gold which has been known for its beauty has an amazing price.



Mohammad Suyanto 


Textile industry in the Hejaz is the industry forward. Weaving is an art form in the middle of developing early Arabia because the availability of raw materials. Wool is abundant as a material for making yarn, used local craftsmen weave into household goods and clothing. Dye and sewing clothes is also a key sub-sectors of this industry. Bukhari presents several chapters in his book about the work they do. Some Sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w. , Among Ubaidillah, Caliph Abu Bakr and Caliph `Uthman ibn` Affan a clothing merchant who market their products in the market of Medina. Messenger s.a.w. mention the types of clothing when asked by a man of Ihram clothing.

Ibn Umar r.a. said that a man asked the Prophet about the clothing worn by people who Ihram, the Prophet said: "Do you wear gamis / dress, turban, pants, headgear and shoes. For those who do not have slippers, so-so wearing sandals with cut lower than the ankles. Do not wear clothes that are anointed with oil za'faran or minak wars "(Muslim).

This is a real regional sectors, both in trade and in production. Al-Waqidi mensitir that supplies from a dealer about 1,500 items of clothing and 20 bales of clothing sold in Yemen during the Medina Prophet and at the time of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. no less than 7 caravan trade with Syria clothing that arrived in Medina every day. Similarly, the Egyptian textile makes a good trade route along the road they are on the various markets the Hijaz. Slavery comes in close contact due to the production of clothing that people do the Hijaz. Al-Isfahani states that `Umar bin Abi Rabi` ah has 70 slaves who were included in the areas of weaving, a member of the Children of slaves hired Makhsum for the same purpose and the rest are involved in weaving palm leaves into baskets, and dates and other bermafaat products.



Mohammad Suyanto 


Resources are abundant in the mid-early in the Hijaz, both animal and meat processing for jacket leather manufacturing industry and make tannery flourished. Finally craftsman leather buy leather clothes from local tanners to make tents, saddles, bridles, scabbards, backpacks, clothing, shoes, sandals, belts, bags, where food, cover the floor, where water, bottles and other places. Well-known merchant in the field of leather clothing was Abu Sufyan ibn Harb danAyyub al-Sakhtiyani. Profession as a tanner can be done by men and women. In the letter of the Qur'an An-Nahl verse 5-7: And He has created cattle for you, to him there (feathers) that warms and various benefits (skin, milk, etc..) And sebahagiannya you eat. And you get a beautiful view of him, when you take him to the cage and when you let go to pasture. And they carry your heavy loads to a land which ye could not reached him, but with the difficulties (the tire) themselves. Verily your Lord is Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Similarly, in surat Al Mu'minun verses 79-80: It is Allah Who made cattle for you, for you sebahagiannya drive, you sebahagiannya to eat. And (there again) various other benefits (skin, milk, fur, etc..) For you and that you achieve a purpose which is stored in the liver with the drive. And you can be transported by riding the animals, and by riding the ark.

Making goods from the skin is an important part in the Taif region, a region famous for its product quality is widely truly favored by the export market, not only in Ukaz Market and surrounding area, but also Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Persia, Iraq and Abissinia. In this trade, reported that Hashim ibn `Abd Manaf started his business career by obtaining an official permit to sell goods from leather in the Byzantine Syria in the region. Similarly, `Amr ibn al-` As and businessman Hijaz selling goods from leather in Egypt and Abissinia.

An abundance of both pets and wild animals, which combined with a suitable climate makes Ta'if region as a center of natural leather processing and leather goods production. In addition, qaraz tree, which produces a substance used in tanning comes both from the Hijaz and Najd. This product comes with a high demand, Prophet Muhammad's Companions, Sa'd al Qaraz reported to mediate this product trade. Mecca and Medina is also the area of industrial development and manufacture of tanning leather goods, importing qaraz from Wadi al-`Aqiq, near Medina. Sales of leather goods in the regional market in general is increasing and reached its peak in the pilgrimage season.


Blacksmith INDUSTRY

Mohammad Suyanto 


The availability of iron ore and copper in significant amounts in the Arabian Peninsula, is a blacksmith's craft work in many cities and villages in the sixth and seventh centuries in the Hijaz. Production of this form kerajianan weapons, equipment, furniture and various other articles of iron, as well as local kitchen equipment from copper and copper pipes. Pre-Islamic poetry praising the power of the iron craftsman. When in the early seventh century, the Arab conquests, the demand for weapons at that time increased sharply. Weapons include swords, shields, arrow heads and other war equipment. Iron was also imported from India and Persia through Basra, used to produce war equipment. At the time of the birth of Islam, iron handicraft industry is an industry in the Hijaz kerajianan prominent people. No less than 30 blacksmith doing business at the time of the Messenger of Allah of Khaibar. After the war Huanain at 630, a Roman slave who specializes in metal craft, named Al-Azraq bin '' Uqbah al-Thaqafi after defected to the Muslims and converted to Islam, his name became famous in the kerajianan. Al Azdi reported that a large metal dealers operating in Madina at the time it went well.

Local metal handicrafts show outstanding growth. Banu Qurayzah conquest by Muslim armies in 626, reported a 1500 booty sword, spear, 2000, 300 armor and 500 shields. Three thousand spears are also used in the war Hunayn at 630, in the battle, troops Prophet using armor provided by Safwan bin Umayyad.

The Qur'an contains things related to armor, as in the letter of Saba 'verse 11: "Make the armor that large-scale and measure the basket and do good works. Indeed I see what you do. "

"And We taught him to make armor for you, to keep you in peperanganmu. So should you give thanks (to Allah) "(Al-Anbiya ': 80).

"And We sent down iron which it is a great strength and many benefits for mankind" (Al-Hadid: 25).

Prophet Muhammad's son, Ibrahim every day taken care of by the wife of a blacksmith, Abu Sayf. Khabbab ibn al-Aratt is someone who is a specialist makes a sword, he made a sword'Isa bin al-Wa'il, head of the tribe of Banu Jumah. Marzuq al-Sayqal, as a metal polisher and also that adorned the Prophet Muhammad's sword is known as Zulfikar. Ibn Sa'd reported that the sword came from the spoils of war from Badr Qurays. Walid ibn al-Mughirah, al-`As ibn Hisham and al-Azraq bin` 'Uqbah Thaqafi al-Arab is a blacksmith who is known in history. According to al-Baladhuri, they were slaves who had been freed by the Prophet Muhammad when occupying Ta'if.


INDUSTRY Jewelry (2)

Mohammad Suyanto 


Anas ibn Malik narrated that the Arabs passionate appreciation of glassware from gold and silver at the moment, the Prophet Muhammad thought forced to ban the manufacture and use gold and silver to show off that reducing religious observance.

Jewelry makers generally are Jews of Bani Bainuqa who lived in Medina section. The city is known in particular, because the precious metal craftsmen in the early Middle Ages. Al-Salihi al-Shami related that when the Prophet Muhammad Children subjected Bainuqa 'in Medina, he obtained a large number of booty in the sword, equipment for making jewelry and blacksmith tools. Al-Wakidi also confirmed that the main products sold in the market of Banu Qainuq 'before the birth of Islam is the jewelry, arrows, spears and swords. Of course, jewelry craftsmen together Medina gold craftsmen from Fadak and Khaibar is regionally well known in the quality of their work. Al-Zubalah Ibn Samhudi mensitir stated that there are more than 300 craftsmen jewelry at that time, only in al-Venus is located in the outskirts of Medina.

Mecca, Taif and Wadi al-Qura reported jewelry industry there are also large enough. Jewelry products in the region favored by the form of pasar.Produk rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets hand and foot and other jewelry. Zainab bint al Thaqafiyah reported Mu'wiyah have a gold necklace that weighs more than 20 mistqal (more than 85 grams).

Gold and silver plating are also handicrafts made by craftsmen in the mid-Hijaz early. Sword of the Prophet Muhammad used s.a.w. which is entered into the famous city of Mecca in 630, explained that the sword was studded with gold and silver. The sword of Abu Jahl, who was captured as spoils of war of Badr in 624, said to have similar decoration. Spear and shield are also decorated with gold and silver. Al-Azraqi, al-Fasi, and al-Qutbi stated that at the time before the emergence of Islam, the head of the Quraysh tribe will be proud to decorate the cover of the Kaaba with gold and silver, even to this day.


INDUSTRY Jewelry (1)

Mohammad Suyanto 


Non-agriculture-based industries in the early medieval Hijaz quite varied, ranging from mining to hunting and fishing, construction and manufacturing and other production companies. Of the various companies, indigenous manufacturing companies is an industrial sector that consists of several sub-sector. Hijaz craftsmen involved in commodity production activities important choices that can be marketed. Important sub-sector include jewelry, blacksmith, tannery, textile and perfume.

Industrial jewelry from gold and silver well developed in the Hijaz, so that the profession as a jeweler of gold and silver. People liked the decor of the Hijaz precious metals and the Qur'an mentions many gold and silver is a very valuable item.

"They are (the people) for their paradise 'Eternity, rivers flowing beneath, in heaven, they were adorned with gold bracelets and they wear green garments of fine silk and thick silk, while they sat and rested on couches, a beautiful gold. That's the reward the best and beautiful place of rest "(Al-Kahf: 31). "Verily Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds, to Gardens underneath which rivers flow. In heaven they be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments of silk "(Al-Hajj: 23). Similarly, in a letter Faathir verse 33: "(For them) Paradise 'Eternity, merekamasuk into it, in which they be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments of silk"

"Released to their plates of gold and goblets, and in heaven there is all that is desired by the liver and delicious (viewed) and eye to dwell therein" (Az-Zukhruf: 71).

Conversely, if gold and silver are not dinafkahkan in the way of Allah will be punished, as dalamAl Qur'an: "And those who keep gold and silver and not in the way of Allah menafkahkannya, Tell it to them (that they will have) a painful doom "(At-Tauba: 34).



Mohammad Suyanto 


Production generated by the Hijaz (Mecca, Medina and Taif) covering agriculture and industry. In the first century until the seventh century BC, the agricultural sector has a crucial role in the Hijaz. Diatandai agricultural area with trees, shrubs, grasses and plants and soil with oasenya. Include Wialayah Ta'if, al-Nakhlah, Khaybar, Fadak, Turabah, Yanbu `, Wadi al-Qura, Al-Suwarqiyah, Wadi al-` Aqiq, across the Medina. Areas' Asir to the south is historisjuga serves as the bread supplier to Western Arabia. Agricultural production in this region produces grain (grain) include wheat, barley, sorghum, alfalfa, various vegetables, citrus and other fruits in the form of wine, olives, dates and pomegranates.

Taif called Al-Qalqashandi which is land sejwengkal God of Heaven who brought from Syria to the Hijaz. Areas with 200-450 millimeters of rainfall per year is an area known as the grapes and raisins are owned by the Mu `awiyah bin Abi Sufyan,` Abd Allah ibn Abbas, `Abbas ibn` Abd al-Muttalib, Abu Talib and `Amr ibn al - `As. Similarly Medina as a quality exporter of wine made from dates and grapes that have been legendary. Booty obtained from the caravan of Muslim troops as occupying Qurays al Taif Nakhlah is wine, raisin and leather goods.

Dates or other products are not only used as food ingredients, but also a kind of currency used to settle debt payments. Because of durability, raisins are food very good, both as a commodity and consumer goods, is part of a long-term trading and is a suitable food for the military expedition.

Taif is an area of major agricultural industries, as mentioned in the Qur'an: With it, we grow for you gardens of date-palms and grapes, in the gardens that ye have fruits that much and a party of the fruit you eat (Al Mu'minun: 19).

Various distinguished empowerment Hijaz region, as mentioned in the Qur'an, such as dates, grapes, grains, fruits and vegetables from around Medina dihasilakn. Taif is famous for fruits and dates famous quantity and quality. Khaibar was famous kurmanya and Dumatul Jandal (currently Jawf) is an area that has the ability to produce the best dates cereal.



Mohammad Suyanto 


Production generated by the Hijaz (Mecca, Medina and Taif) covering agriculture and industry. In the first century until the seventh century BC, the agricultural sector has a crucial role in the Hijaz. Diatandai agricultural area with trees, shrubs, grasses and plants and soil with oasenya. Include Wialayah Ta'if, al-Nakhlah, Khaybar, Fadak, Turabah, Yanbu `, Wadi al-Qura, Al-Suwarqiyah, Wadi al-` Aqiq, across the Medina. Areas' Asir to the south is historisjuga serves as the bread supplier to Western Arabia. Agricultural production in this region produces grain (grain) include wheat, barley, sorghum, alfalfa, various vegetables, citrus and other fruits in the form of wine, olives, dates and pomegranates.

Taif called Al-Qalqashandi which is land sejwengkal God of Heaven who brought from Syria to the Hijaz. Areas with 200-450 millimeters of rainfall per year is an area known as the grapes and raisins are owned by the Mu `awiyah bin Abi Sufyan,` Abd Allah ibn Abbas, `Abbas ibn` Abd al-Muttalib, Abu Talib and `Amr ibn al - `As. Similarly Medina as a quality exporter of wine made from dates and grapes that have been legendary. Booty obtained from the caravan of Muslim troops as occupying Qurays al Taif Nakhlah is wine, raisin and leather goods.

Dates or other products are not only used as food ingredients, but also a kind of currency used to settle debt payments. Because of durability, raisins are food very good, both as a commodity and consumer goods, is part of a long-term trading and is a suitable food for the military expedition.

Taif is an area of major agricultural industries, as mentioned in the Qur'an: With it, we grow for you gardens of date-palms and grapes, in the gardens that ye have fruits that much and a party of the fruit you eat (Al Mu'minun: 19).

Various distinguished empowerment Hijaz region, as mentioned in the Qur'an, such as dates, grapes, grains, fruits and vegetables from around Medina dihasilakn. Taif is famous for fruits and dates famous quantity and quality. Khaibar was famous kurmanya and Dumatul Jandal (currently Jawf) is an area that has the ability to produce the best dates cereal.


Thursday, January 21, 2010


Mohammad Suyanto


You can start a business without cash with what you have. Ramli who demand celebrities bordirnya Indonesia, 2 first capital owned sewing machine.

When I start a business for the first time, capital is what I have. "Yanto. If you want to get the money. That in the next room there is a new kedondong taken from the tree by Mr. Soleman, we pembatu "said Grandmother taught me the business. "Yes Grandma I will practice selling" I replied. I enter it individually kedondong up my backpack is full of pride. That night so long, I hope soon the morning to practice segea selling kedodondong. I left early at 6:00, half an hour faster than I usually go to school. Arriving at my grammar school kedodondong on old newspapers. Half an hour I'm waiting for a buyer, but there are none that I bought kedondong. "Clang-clang bell sound ....." enter school. I packed up sales, old newspapers and put into a backpack kedondong to prepare a lesson. Istirahatpun arrived, I market my kedondong and not so long my friend came Susi and kedondong Utami to buy it. "It costs how Yan?." They said. "Five dollars can be two" I said at the time. "Dikasih bonus one yes" their bargaining. "Yes, can" I replied. Susi and Utamilah the only buyer on that day. Not too long a break is over and I have to pack my merchandise. After the bell back, I was thinking how to kedondong runs out, because there are many, only one buyer. Then I approached the seller salad, namely Mrs. Sus. "Mom can I change this kedondong with rujak?" I asked with a little pleading. "Can Mas Yanto 'said Mrs Sus. After rujak wrapped, then I take home with a heart very happy to have successfully sold and traded kedondong kedondong with rujak. This is my first business I have never forgotten. "This Granny rujak. My grandmother taught me to sell "I said to my grandmother gave me a pack .. The lesson that my grandmother was given a lesson which is the starting point of my way of thinking in the business world. Event, could mebaca opportunities. When the season then I am selling mango mango. When the summer sales and I wind kite and fountains. My fountain made of plastic with a diameter of approximately 5 cm. When the rainy season, I went into the woods looking for a small bamboo ruasnya long, so you can make a toy "tulup" shooting game by blowing one end of the bamboo that has been given a bullet out of clay or small fruit. After a tulup, then I sell at the price when it Rp.5, - getting three. You can also start a business from what you have.



Mohammad Suyanto


Starting a business without cash you can also do with a broker. Mediates in essence is to sell information. Information is the heart to succeed. Mr Ali became an intermediary when STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta buy land owned by PT. Djarum in the Ring Road North Road Condong Catur, Sleman Yogyakarta. The purchased land area of Yogyakarta STMIK AMIKOM approximately 6000 square meters. Price per meter when the USD. 275.000, -, then the overall price of Rp. 1650000000, -. Mr Ali got 2.5% of the overall price as an intermediary, namely Rp. 41,250,000, -. With such a large revenue transactions at all, then it becomes an intermediary becomes a very interesting job. Likewise, when I sold the land in Jogja Kembali Monument, for Rp. 220 million, my friend as an intermediary received Rp. 5.5 million from me. Not to mention my friend also got part of my land buyers. Not good enough?.

I have a friend named Mr. Bambang, who lived in Surabaya. One of his job but also has a law firm to mediate from his friends. Mr. Bambang usually mediates selling large companies. If Mr. Bambang said that the company is Clear, the new friends would buy the company. Professional fees, which obtained no longer in millions of rupiah, but in billions of rupiah. Although rich, but Mr. Bambang people remain simple. Some of the money used to purchase various universities and schools and given to his friends that financial capability is still far from it. "Iki paculono fields, hoe-neng ojo paculan" said Mr Bambang gave advice to his friends.

You can mediate a variety of products. Sovereignty in the People's Daily every day always comes up text-based ads that offer a variety of opportunities. Starting from home, land, cars, motorcycles, mobile phones, electronic goods and various others. You can use all the information that is extraordinary. You can be a mediator of a variety of human needs. You now have a new conglomerate, because it has a variety of merchandise countless. New Itupun from one medium. Not using media other than the Daily People's Sovereignty. Especially in the media called the Internet, more business opportunities scattered like stars scattered in space. Mediates is a very promising job that makes you able to start a business without cash. Good luck, hope you succeed.



Mohammad Suyanto


"Almost all the strategic principles and tactics that work for large companies can also be used effectively to market their products by small companies. Any strategy or successful learning that consumers in a particular product category can usually be applied successfully to other products that are not related, but the dynamics of the same consumer. Companies top marketing personnel to educate them gain a deep knowledge of customers through daily life. Seeing the ads on television, a walk in the mall, talking with friends and family. Failure to clearly state the benefits for consumers are the biggest problems in the marketing world today. Many companies have spent millions of dollars to provide information about the company to the consumer, but they could not make the sale "said Eric Schulz in his book The Marketing Game. That's the reality.

Carol Loomis, Fortune magazine editors research the 150 companies in three time periods, namely 1960-1980, 1970-1990 and 1989-1999. In each period, only three or four that could grow 15% or more. Approximately 20 to 30 companies achieve growth of 10% to 15%, 40 to 60 companies achieve growth of 5% to 10%, 20 to 30 companies to grow 0% to 5% and 20 to 30 companies did not grow up (down). With such reality, it is not surprising if companies start doing some bad things to increase their growth rate.
Reality is the core of the strategy. The purpose is similar to a dream, get up and face reality. The point is the market reality. It's better to be first than to be a better, that's the reality rather than fantasy. "While the CEO can not do all those things today, one thing they should always consider is the morality market. If one of your marketing experts to meet you by bringing a new product, ask how many similar products that previously was in the market. Then urge him to explain why consumers want to buy the product, rather than competitors' products. If the answer is not satisfactory, send it back to his office. But before he left, remind her that one of the first law of positioning is better to be first than to be better. That is reality not fantasy. Similar to a dream destination. Get up, and face reality "says Jack Trout. "Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department" said the late David Packard, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard.



Mohammad Suyanto

Bezos merupakan pendiri, yang pada awalnya hanya merupakan toko buku.. Mengapa ia menamakan perusahaannya dengan Amazon ?. Karena “sungai Amazon merupakan sungai terbesar di dunia” kata Jeff Bezos. Bagaimana dengan sungai Nil ?. Sungai Nil merupakan sungai terpanjang di dunia, jika dibandingkan dengan Sungai Amazon volume airnya hanya merupakan anak sungai Amazon. Sungai Amazon memuat 20 % air bersih dunia, maka Jeff Bezos mempunyai tentang perusahaannya kelak menjadi perusahaan yang menguasai 20 % pasar dunia. yang membuka situs E-Commernya pada bulan Juli 1995, bermula dari toko buku kemudian meluas ke compact disk (CD) kemudian ke lelang dan sekarang ribuan produk yang berbeda dan pedagang yang berbeda. Pada tahun 1996 dapat menjual 15,7 juta dolar dan melonjak menjadi 600 juta dolar pada tahun 1998. dilaporkan pada tanggal 1 November sampai 23 Desember 2002, konsumen yang melakukan order di seluruh dunia 56 juta item sehingga menjadi toko online terbaik tahun 2002 versi majalah Yahoo.

John F. Welch, Jr (CEO) dari General Electric menyatakan :“ Kami menggunakan tiga prinsip operasi untuk menetapkan suasana dan perilaku di General Electric : tanpa perbatasan dalam semua perilaku kami, kecepatan dalam segala hal yang kami lakukan dan peregangan dalam setiap sasaran yang kami tetapkan". Perilaku tanpa perbatasan memperpadukan dua belas bisnis global besar, masing-masing nomor satu atau nomor dua di pasar, ke dalam laboratorium luas yang produkutamanya adalah gagasan baru, bersama dengan komitmen umum untuk menyebarkannya keseluruh perusahaan. Kecepatan adalah sesuatu yang biasanya tidak ditemukan dalam perusahaan sebesar General Electric, tetapi di General Electric ditemukan dalam bentuk kecepatan pengembangan produk, rancangan ulang daur (dari pesanan sampai pengiriman), menetapkan kembali kemampuan dengan mengurangi investasi pabrik dan peralatan. Peregangan berarti menggunakan impian untuk menetapkan sasaran yang melebihi target yang telah ditetapkan.

Meskipun demikian banyak pemimpin yang tidak memiliki unsur spiritual dalam visi hidup meraka, maka tidak heran banyak pemimpin yang sepintas tampak bahagia, makmur dan sukses duniawi yang melimpah, tetapi hidup mereka hampa tak bermakna. The New York Times melaporkan bahwa pendapatan riil telah meningkat lebih dari 16 % selama tiga puluh tahun ini di Amerika, namun orang Amerika yang menggambarkan diri mereka sendiri sebagai “sangat bahagia” sesungguhnya dalam kurun waktu yang sama telah turun dari 36 % menjadi 29 %. Dalai Lama mengatakan “Orang dapat lebih bahagia jika saja mereka saling berbagi kekayaan, berbagi teman yang lebih banyak, nama yang lebih harum, hal-hal positif yang diwariskan, dan juga berkurangnya penyesalan saat mereka meninggal nanti. Mereka dapat berkata pada diri sendiri, setidaknya aku telah menggunakan uangku untuk membantu orang lain”, demikian tulis Howard C. Cutler dalam buku The Art of Happiness at Work.

Pemimpin besar yang tidak bergelimang harta, bahkan tidur di tikar yang membekas pada tubuhnya, bersahabat dengan kemiskinan dan orang yang lemah, tetapi hidupnya penuh makna ádalah Muhammad SAW, yang merupakan pemimpin yang mempunyai visi menjadi rahmat seluruh alam.


Foundation LEADERSHIP (1)

Mohammad Suyanto


According to Drucker, the foundation of effective leadership is thinking about the vision and mission of the organization, define, and enforce a clear and real. Leaders set goals, determine priorities, and establish and monitor standards. Meanwhile, according to Tony Buzan in his book The Power of Spiritual intelligence, vision is defined as the ability to think or plan for the future wisely and imaginatively, using a mental picture of the situation can and may occur in the future.

"Leadership is the core of the strategy" said Jack Trout. No one will follow you if you do not know where to be moved. Akio Morita Sony gives direction to find new markets with the title "pioneer spirit". "Sony is a pioneer and was never intended to follow the others. Through progress, Sony wants to serve the whole world. Sony will always be the inventor of the unknown. Sony has a principle of respect and support the ability of a person and always brought the best out of someone. This is a vital force for the Sony "Morita said. Sony created the handycam, the first home video recorder and floppy disk. The most famous success was the idea Walkman tetantang Morita.

"A computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft device" said Bill Gates. So when Bill Gates created the MS-DOS, it makes the Windows operating system as well as home use window (window) that causes Bill Gates became the world's richest entrepreneurs. It is not really true that only Bill Gates alone is responsible for placing PCs in offices and in homes around the world, but Bill Gates has a vision to see what is possible and the desire to turn that vision into reality.

Thomas Watson Sr.. company renamed Computing Tabulating Recording Company to International Business Machines (IBM), although not yet operate at internationally, but Thomas Watson had a vision that the company later became the company that operates internationally. When Watson called the International Business Machines (IBM) a lot of people when it was ridicule. Some even say that Watson gave the name of exaggerating the company. But now IBM is a modern company and its managers become role models to suit a white shirt, plain tie, the spirit of extraordinary selling. In 2003 this IBM Computer Company was selected as the most amazing world of Fortune magazine.



Mohammad Suyanto


Many strategies are used to excel in competition. When I first Primagama, only get 2 students, so we tried to find strategies to get a lot of students. Primagama strategy, as we call it a unique touch strategy that is inviting high school students by using the Test Trial UPA / IPS Integrated free. This strategy is carried out, because when the college entrance test will use the test country IPA / IPS Integrated. Primagama the guidance of the first test that can hold a test trial IPA / IPS Integrated. Because the test trials IPA / IPS Integrated first time, the participants lot. Before the test trials started, we make promotion to the participants, about one of the benefits Primagama than any other test guidance. From the campaign netted 62 students who follow the guidance Primagama test. The next strategy is sntuhan unique Accepted Insurance Program. Acceptable collateral, if the intention is not accepted in State College, does not pay, only pay the registration fee IDR 10,000, - and that is what is called Accepted Security. The idea of Mr. Purdi this, we do not put up the field with Customer Service in two places. First place in Jalan Kapten Tendean No. 7 directly handled Mr. Purdi, and second place at Road Demangan Kidul No. 92, immediately I handle myself. Customer servise handled by who knows all the ins and outs Primagam, from a practical formula to predict the technical problems that will come out in the PTN. We can not imagine, if participants who joined Primagama enormous. Especially after the entry proved State University lot, which was announced in the Daily People's Sovereignty.

Likewise, when I founded the Center for Computer Education and Management IMKI, unique touch strategy that I do is the One Year Professional Program, which is equipped Computer Education Practical Management Education and Entrepreneurship. When there was no computer education one year old. "If you're 1-month computer course, or 3 months only a little, but if you're 1-year course will be banya" I said to the prospective participants of the course. This strategy proved effective.

When I founded STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta stratetgi did I use a unique touch. The weakness that I see, Higher Education in the education of mental attitude. So begins AMIKOM education in the mental attitude of education first. This mental attitude education in AMIKOM known as Super Excellent Training. The training model incorporates Super Camp from Bobby De Potter, Achievement Motivation Training and Training Spiritual Emotional intelligence or intelligence. To maintain this mental attitude, when college students are required to wear a tie, eventually led to "The College Place tie". While education in the knowledge and skills to do with using the facility above average, so the "Excellence in Information Technology Trend". In addition, concentrations are offered including Advertising Television, E-Commerce and Cartoon Film. Unique touch strategy turns out that, once we know the name or Strategy Differentiation Strategy Positioning.



Mohammad Suyanto


Most people assume that building the first brand to use large-scale advertising. Facts prove it that companies have built brands melenggenda world for the first time using public relations (public relations). Public relations involves a variety of programs designed to promote and / or maintain the company image or products. Advertising is needed to maintain the brand to not die, but not to build a brand for the first time.

Public Relations Microsoft uses when it launched its new operating system Windows 95. Windows 95 bukanlan actually a completely new product, but it makes Windows 95 is very easy to use as well as Macintosh. Pemunculnnya dated August 24, 1995 was a tumultuous day for Windows 95. The Wall Street Journal estimates that 3000 cover story, 6852 story and over 3,000,000 words devoted to Windows 95 from July 1 until August 24. Microsoft teams around the world to do publicity to attract attention. Windows 95 banner hoisted by 600 feet from the Toronto CN tower. Sprinkle red, yellow and green of the Windows 95 logo on the Empire State Building in New York. Paying The London Times's to distribute free of charge all the daily publications, 1.5 million copies to the public. When Windows 95 is sold at 90 dollars, thousands of people lining up to buy it. At the end of the first week, sales in the United States alone reached 108 million dollars. Microsoft to pay 220 million dollars for the Public Relations. Why does Bill Gates spend so much for Public Relations?. There are two possible reasons. First, worry about the defects found in earlier versions of the operating system, computer users may be reluctant to buy it. Microsoft wants to overcome this reluctance. Second, Apple Computer quickly menutunkan computer prices in hopes of selling more Macintosh computers before Windows 95 is similar to the Macintosh operating system on the market. Microsoft wants to stem the flow of Macintosh sales by selling as many Windows 95 packages in the shortest possible time.

Anita Roddick built The Body Shop is a brand of the world without advertising, but do Public Relations all over the world tirelessly to introduce the product. Wal-Mart as the most spectacular corporate world, only slightly out ads. Similarly, Intel, Dell, Compaq, Gateway, Oracle, Cisco, SAP, Sun Microsystems created the first time in the pages of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, and Fortune, by publicity, not advertising premises. We also started Primagama, IMKI, STMIK AMIKOM, PT Time Excellindo, PT. Vision Surya Mataram, PT Radio MQ FM, PT. GITS, AMIKOM.NET, AMIKOM Traning Center, and by using the Public Relations.



Mohammad Suyanto


In addition to opening a business without cash payments in the back, you can also open a business with a payment in advance. Combined with the payments start at the back and the payment in advance is the most ideal. Or office buildings, advertisements, brochures can be obtained by payment in the back, while our customers use the payment in advance. Business of courses, vocational education institutions and even education can be done with tinggipun prepayment strategy.

By the time we open a branch of the Central Computer and Management Education in the street IMKI Abubakar Ali number 20 Kotabaru Yogyakarta, after advertising in the Daily People's Sovereignty which can be paid at the back, finally got 35 students. Then given a public lecture that contains an explanation teantang material will be taught for one year. Starting from the material to Achievement Motivation Training System Analysis. Suddenly, they ask "Where kok Pak computer does not exist?". "Look at what it said in the ad?.", I asked. "Computers equipped Pendikan practical management education and entrepreneurship," they replied. "You are right. In this first month you will get a practical management education and entrepreneurship, and computer lessons to be continued "I answered, saying to myself" but you also have to pay ". After one month they were satisfied, eventually pay. Of these students my money credited to the computer 12 computer. "That's the computer" I said. "Oh yes the computer has no sir" they said. I smiled and said to myself "that actually your money". So we can operate the business with advance payments, ie payments from our customers.

Even when I'm with my friends from Totalwin Institute of Management in cooperation with Warnbrough University, England. open the MBA program (when it was not banned), enough to provide five-star hotels that can be paid at the rear, then the students pay in advance. The first time, prospective students are collected at one-star hotels are given an explanation of the MBA program from Warnbrough University. Including how much it costs, if you had to courses in the UK. If Indonesia can attend Indonesian use the medium. Thesis only in English in the supervision of the Representative Warnbrough University of Australia. Having finished a public lecture, for those who are interested can provide a down payment USD. 1.000.000, -. From the money can be used to rent the room along with other equipment, so that managers do not spend money. After a minimum of 15 students enrolled, the college immediately began. Thus, hotels and other facilities can be met with advance payments from students. From the results of the MBA program can eventually be used to establish MM Program STIE "ABI" Surabaya. Management Master Program Perhaps the best-selling in Indonesia, because it has a student About a 1000 people.



Mohammad Suyanto


Many entrepreneurs or companies when in a state of recession or in trouble memPHK conducted with employees, even state-owned property that serves pemerintahpun provide jobs as the responsibility for implementa-tion of the Constitution, such as PT. Indonesian Aerospace employees prefer memPHK. But it was not done by the famous clothing company Levi Strauss.

Levi Strauss came from Bavaria. He arrived in New York in 1847 and collaborated with his stepbrother in the business of goods dried. In 1853 Strauss went to San Francisco to build his own business. The opportunity came when one of its customers, Nevada tailor named Jacob Davis, shows an idea of changing his trousers. Result trousers strong and durable, suitable for use when you're a gold miner or a farmer. Davis takes $ 68 to register the design patent. In 1873 Strauss and Davis patented the pants, or "waist-high overalls" was called at that time. Companies increasingly prosperous and when he died, the company has a wealth of Levi Strauss $ 6 million.
The greatest challenge facing the company occurred in 1906, when an earthquake followed by a fire that destroyed the company headquarters and two factories. The actions of Levi Strauss to give credit to customers so they can grosirnya up and back in business. Companies continue to pay his employees and a temporary office and showroom is open to give them something to do, while the new headquarters and a factory was built. At the time of great depression, when the CEO Walter Haas Sr.. Stay hiring employees by having them build a new floor at the company factory on Valencia Street in San Francisco and not dismiss them. He argued that workers who are authorized, the people who share the values and aspirations are similar to companies such as managers and owners, will make the company become the market leader. "You can not make people excited or get their support unless the organization has a soul" Haas said. Then provide equal opportunity for African-Americans to work in the factory plant in the 1950s and 1960s, when they expand their business into the southern states. In line with its business development, community of people who embrace their tradition of growing together. Levi-Strauss is now getting 40 percent of its profits from international business and plant products in more than 50 countries around the world. A quarter of employees working outside the United States. Levi Strauss chose to do the noble effort to keep driving up hiring employees when the company was in trouble. By doing noble Lord probably helped. We hope PT. Indonesian Aerospace to do the same.
